Comparing the effect of the application of iced gastric lavage with the application of ice packs to reduce the temperature among critically ill patients

Abstract in English

Fever is a common problem in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, A large proportion of patients admitted to the ICU are likely to develop fever of unknown origin at some point of their stay there. Objective: This study aimed to compare between the effects of the application of iced gastric lavage with the application of ice packs to reduce the temperature among critically ill patients. Material and methods: the study was conducted of (40) critically ill patients at ICU department at Al Assad University Hospital and Al Wattani Hospital in Latakia city whose were intubated and there temperature degree ranged from 39 °C to 40 °C lasting for more than 30 minutes ago. The sample was randomly divided into two experimental groups. Two tools were used to collect data. Results: This study showed that iced gastric lavage is more effective than using iced packs to reduce the temperature among critically ill patients. Recommendations: this study recommended to Apply iced gastric lavage alone or with other methods to reduce the temperature degree among critically ill patients.

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