Effect of Multiple usage and surface coarseness of diamond burs on Marginal Microleakage of Resin Composite Restorations (An In- vitro study)

Abstract in English

Aim: to compare the effect of multiple usage and surface coarseness of diamond burs on marginal microleakage of cervical resin composite restorations. Materials and methods: sixty extracted premolars without caries were chosen. The sample was randomly divided into three groups: n1=n2=n3=20. Group(1): class v cavities were prepared using super coarse diamond burs, group(2): prepared by coarse diamond burs, whereas group)3(: prepared by medium coarse diamond burs. All cavities were restored by resin composite, then The teeth were thermocycled and immersedIn5%solution of methylene blue dye for 12hours.Then the teeth were sectioned vertically, Dye penetration was evaluated using a 10X stereomicroscope at the occlusal and gingival margins. Data were collected and statistical analysis was conducted. Results: The results showed that the multiple use of super coarse diamond burs caused no significantly statistically affect on occlusal and gingival microleakage (P>0.05). However, the multiple use of coarse and medium diamond burs caused significantly statistically affect on gingival marginal microleakage (P<0.05).

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