Abstract in English

Assabihas the ability to form his story in a narrative strong style . He passes his thought through it as if you see it in front of your eyes. This returns to the connection between its narrative components that he well organized its structure .He makes every component of them : Personality, Time, Place , Incident and a narrator that are doing his private role . The time appears to him with the figure that helps the incident to express the components of the story using the different time techniques of: Summary, omitting , retrieve , raise and caesura/ pause through description .So this component appears to be a useful instrument between the hands of a professional writer.

References used

إبراهيم ,صالح الفضاء و لغة السرد في روايات عبدالرحمن منيف المركز الثقافي العربي ط 1 2003 الدار البيضاء المغرب .
إبراهيم, عبدالله موسوعة السرد العربي المؤسسة العربية للدراسات و النشر بيروت . طبعة جديدة موسعة 2008
الحموي ,ياقوت معجم الأدباء ج 1 دار الكتب العلمية بيروت لبنان .
