Problem solving styles and its relationship to Neuroticism, Gender and Specialization among secondary school students "A Field Study on a Sample of Public High School Students in Homs City
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2016
and research's language is
Abstract in English
The present study aimed at revealing the relationship between problem
solving styles, Neuroticism and some variables as gender and
specialization among secondary school students. The sample of study
consists of 250 students (117 males, 133 females) in some High School
Students in Homs City. The researcher has used the following tools: The
test of (problem solving styles) which the present researcher had
designed, involved following scales: rational problem solving styles,
Impulsivity style , Avoidance style. And The scale of (Neuroticism)
from the junior Eysenck personality Questionnaire which the present
researcher had developed it to High School Students.
References used
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