The reality of the use of teachers in the first episode to learning techniques available in school libraries and the degree of employment its in the educational process

Abstract in English

This research aims to identify the reality of librarian service in two schools from the first cycle of basic education schools, and to determine the degree of teacher usage for learning techniques available in schools libraries, and to achieve these objects a observation card and three questionnaires were prepared and they were given to librarians, teachers, and a sample of students, and it has been applied on two schools from the first cycle schools in Damascus: Ibrahim Hanano and Al-Amal schools, and the number of sample members were (156) member distributors as the following: the librarian at both schools, (14) teachers and (140) students. The results showed that the reality of the school library is inadequate in terms of physical environment and the available collectibles, As for the librarian he is not a specialist in the field of libraries but he practiced the required role requested from him to the fullest.

References used

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