Paslms in the songs of Mehyar the Damascene of Adonis

Abstract in English

The Bible forms an abundant reference to the poets of poetic modernism, Particularly the psalms that imitated their inclinations towards salvation that had an impact in their poetry.Among these poets We mention the Egyptian poetess ( Amal Danqal ) , the palestinian poet (Mahmoud Darwish ) and the poet of our research, Adonis,of whose songs the psalm forms the initial structure or building block at the beginning of each poetical collection to combine the psalms forming the body of Adonis poetics that Adonis includes all rituals of his neglect and the surpass. This surpass that he shows in the accumulation of behavioral perceptions of human being where the psalm is the expression of an evolutionary vision of man as a whole ( Belief and behavior).

References used

الكتاب المقدّس ،المقدّس ؛ أي العهد القديم و العهد الجديد ؛ و قد تُرجَِم من اللغات الأصليّة ، دار الكتاب المقدّس في العالم العربيّ.
العقاد :عبّاس محمود ، نشيد إخناتون و المزامير هل تأثر أحدهما بالآخر ، جريدة الأخبار - 26 -سبتمبر- 1962م. .
