The Logical Principles of Grammatical Induction

Abstract in English

Since language is a natural concrete phenomenon, it became a fact that language has been a matter of induction by making it go through experiment in attempt to attain the rules that can take hold of the language's partial phenomena and organize them in general regulations, and if we observed the linguistic matter which grammarians investigated, we could find that their work involved both the complete induction and the incomplete induction according to Aristotle's induction method, but they disagreed with this method in accordance with the nature of Islamic method of thinking; therefore they had their own distinguishing method of induction.

References used

الأصول, د. تمام حسان, عالم الكتب, القاهرة, 2000
أصول التفكير النحوي, د. أبو المكارم, دار غريب, القاهرة, ط1, 2006
