The Administrative System of the Umayyad Period,sBases (Succession,Ministry,Diwan,Arabization of cash )

Abstract in English

Before the appearance of the Islamic state,the Arabs didn,t know the organization or the right concept of administration.Also,the new religion which was known by prophet Mohammad(peace by upon him)was the first step for the administrative system in the Arabic country.But this system was simple,rudimentary and proportional to the new born Arabic country.After that,the righteous caliphs time has evolved according to the requirements of public interest of the country until it reach to the top of its development,and flourish in theUmayyad period.However,after the transmission of the authority to theUmayyads after they confound the other cultured people and be affected by their politic and administration systems ,they developed this system .So ,after they created and invented ,they put bases for the administrative organization which became equal to administration systems which was known to theRoman and Persians.

References used

العقاد (محمود عباس): معاوية بن أبي سفيان، مصر، نهضة مصر للطباعة و النشر، د.ط، د.ت .
شاهين (حمدي): الدولة الأموية المفترى عليها، القاهرة، دار القاهرة للكتاب، د.ط، د.ت .
