Abstract in English

The Holy Quran among the heavenly books states the phases of embryo development vividly, by naming each phase and defining the beginning and the end of it. It describes the outer appearance of the embryo, and mentions in details the embryogenesis stages. In this article ( The Jurisprudence Of Fetus Between Science And Law ) I'll try discuss (review) past and present opinions of the scientists who studied embryonic stages, asking Allah ( S.W.T. )help and guidance.

References used

القرآن اُلكريم
اُلحديث اُلشريف
ري شهيري، مُحمد، مُوسوعة اُلأحاديث اُلطبية، دُار اُلحديث لُلطباعة وُ النشر وُ التوزيع،ُ الطبعة اُلأولى بُيروت، 2004ُ م.
