This study was carried out in the department of anesthesia and reanimation at Alassad ,Tishreen university Hospitals , Lattakia , Syria , during the year 2014-2015 , and included 45 patients of either sex (5-15 kilogram of weight ) undergoing lower abdominal and urologic procedures. Patients were divided into three groups : Patients of group A : received spinal anesthesia by using combination between bupivacaine (0.4 mg/kg ) and normasaline (placebo) . Patients of group B : received spinal anesthesia by using combination between bupivacaine (0.4 mg/kg ) and fentanyl (0.2 mcg/kg ) . Patients of group c : received spinal anesthesia by using combination between bupivacaine (0.4 mg/kg ) and fentanyl (0.6 mcg/kg ) . The goal of the study is studying the effects of combination between fentanyl and bupivacaine in the spinal anesthesia for the children whom prepared to subumblical operations . Conclusion : Combination between fentanyl and bupivacaine reduced to use postoperative narcotics and increased the duration of spinal anesthesia, in addition to provided hemodynamic stability during the operation.