The Relationship between anemia and milk feeding in infants aged 6 months to 2 years in Tishreen and ALassad hospitals

Abstract in English

Objective: To determine if there is a relationship between milk feeding and iron deficiency anemia ,and to determine the association between anemia and infant birth order, time of introduction solid foods, socioeconomic state , Birth weight less than 3000 gram . Methods: A total of 300 children between 6 and 24 months old were attended at Alassad and TISHREEN Hospitals were enrolled in the Study during the period July 2015-July 2016,a patient –case study ,patient definition:an infant with anemia ,case definition:an infant without anemia we calculated the odd ratio with confidence intervals 95%,we used chi-square and TStudent test. Results: by studying the relationship between anemia and milk feeding we found the odd ratio=5.6,it means that the risk to have anemia is 6 times more in infants consumping breast using chi-square test to study the relationship between anemia and both of infant order,socioeconomic state,the resuts were :there is no association between birth order and anemia but there is a big association between anemia and socioeconomic state.the result of studying the relationship between taking iron complemnts and anemia :the risk of anemia is 2 times more in infants who do not take iron ccomplemnts.there was no relationship between introducing solid foods before the age 6 months and having anemia .there was no association between low birth weight infants and having anemia.

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