Acute Kidney injury, after coronary angiography incidence , complication Al- Assad University Hospital Population-Based Study

Abstract in English

Radiocontrast-induced nephropathy, is becoming increasingly common cause of Acute kidney injury (AKI).The aim of the present prospective study was to find out the incidence and outcome of CIN in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Over a one year period [2014]. At al-Assad university Hospital-Syria. 54 patients , satisfied the criteria for entering into the study.Median age was 56 yr All were followed for development of acute renal failure. The incidence was found to be 22.2 % .12 developed some evidence of acute renal failure .4 required dialysis acutely. There were 2 deaths. and pre existing renal impairment is one of the risk factors for developing contrast induced nephropathy. Serum Creatinine should be measured routinely in all patients who are scheduled form coronary angiography.

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