Irregular Exchange Market in Syria during the crisis

Abstract in English

Syria has witnessed serious attempts for controlling exchange rates and choosing suitable exchange system and going with economical developments and changes before beginning of the crisis on 2011. But since 2011, Syria has witnesses accelerated development in irregular exchange market as result of increased demand on foreign currencies and lowness of supply. This will be as result of group of various factors. As result of great effect which has been done by exchange black market of currencies on various living and economical aspects of the citizen, it is a must to explain the reasons which lead to the increase of it during the crisis period and shading the light on taken legal legislations for controlling them and clarifying the taken procedures and decisions by credit and monetary board for controlling them.

References used

كنعان، علي، 2000 ، النظام النقدي و المصرفي السوري. دار الرضا للنشر، دمشق.
فضلية، عابد، 2014 ، التغير في أسعار الصرف و أثره على التضخم و مستوى المعيشة. جمعية العلوم الاقتصادية، دمشق.
المرسوم التشريعي رقم 53 لعام 2013 الخاص بمنع التعامل بغير الليرة السورية.
