The effectiveness of thinking maps strategy In the development of creative skills for fourth grade primary in unit "Environment and adaptable neighborhoods"

Abstract in English

The research aims to know effectiveness of the use of thinking maps strategy in the Creative skills for solve problems in science in unit "Environment and adaptable neighborhoods" And know the significance of statistical differences between the students scores in test of creative skills for problems solving according the research variables of: (gender, teaching method). The research sample consisted of (50) male and female students, were divided into two groups (25) male and female students in the control group, and (25) male and female students in the experimental group. The unit has been designed in science using thinking maps strategy, and design test of creative skills in problem solving.

References used

Diaz, Anna. (2010). The relationship Between Thinking Maps and Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Reading, and Mathematics Score in Two Urban Middle Schools, Doctoral Dissertation in Education, University of Central Florida
Hickie,Katharine. (2006). An Examination of Student Performance in Reading Language and Mathematics after two Years of Thinking Maps. Implementation in Three Tennessee Schools, Doctoral Dissertation in East Tennessee state University
Hyerle, D. (2004). Student Success with Thinking Maps. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press
