Protection of public Liberties in state of emergency comparative study

Abstract in English

Liberties are very important, individuals could not get it easily, and they lost many people for that. Then after they got their liberty, it was necessary to ensure the protection of this freedom, by the law and the Constitution. Although we always use the rules of the constitution, sometimes state suffers of disasters affect its security, and the work of its Intuitions, so in this case the state has to have special rules such as ((state of emergency)) .

References used

د. حسن مصطفى البحري ، النظم السياسية (دمشق، بلا ناشر، الطبعة الثانيةٌ، سنة 2015
قانون المحكمة الدستورية العليا في سورية ( قانون رقم / 7 / 2014
