Improving Efficiency Apriori Algorithm by Reduction of candidate itemsets

Abstract in English

Association Rules is an important field in Data Mining, which is used to discover useful knowledge from a massive databases. Association Rules have been used to extract the information from the database transactions, and Apriori Algorithm is a practical application for Association Rules and it is used to find frequent itemsets from database transactions. In this paper, we present a new improving on Apriori Algorithm by reduction generating of candidate itemsets and this leads to improving efficiency Apriori Algorithm.

References used

LIU B, 2006- Web Data Mining. Springer-Verlag New York
HAN J and KAMBER M, 2006- Data Mining:Concepts and Techniques. Second ed, Elsevier Inc, United States of America
JAISHREE S, HARI R and SODHI J 2013 Improving Efficioncy of Apriori Algorithm Using Transaction Reduction International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,Vol.3, Issue 1
