The Differences in Biographies of Al-Imad Al-Asbahani,s Praiseds

Abstract in English

Research reveals differences historicity ,and literary in books ,and manuscripts achieved ,and recent studies available ,and special flags from Al-Imad Al- Asbahani's Praiseds, it shows the reason for the disparity between the biographies in documenting the extra titles, and similar, and diverse, and their names, and their genealogy, and their places of origin, and their attributes, and their curricula, and corrects lapses inattention by historians and scholars, and cites their views and took him from the others; to evaluate their news or appropriate weighting to reality after treating the historical and literary information.

References used

ألتونجي, د. محمد, 1999م, المعجم المفصل في الأدب. ط2, دار الكتب العلمية, بيروت.
بدوي, د. أحمد, 2003م, الحياة الأدبية في عصر الحروب الصليبية بمصر و الشام. ط2, دار نهضة مصر, القاهرة.
