Optical Microscopy of Skin Wound Healing in White Swiss Mice

Abstract in English

An attempt was made to have a better understanding of wond healing in skin of adult white swiss mice. The process of healing showed microscopic changes confirmed epidermal and dermal regions. The rate of change was rapid up to ٤٨ hours. the epithlium invaded actively underlying connective tissue but still detec-table whenever vascularity in the wound had subsided to the dermis. By the time of epidermal cell-ularity, there was a closely packed mass of cells immediately subjacent to the epithelium, which mostly represents predominant cell types of in the subepidermal region. Our prognostic showed that connective tissue accompanied by many dilated capillaries. There was also an appearance of collagen fibers laying between the cells. The epithelium followes the boundary of living connective tissue and comes into contact with the dermal cells. Close contact between dermal and epidermal cells happened at the time when epithelial invasion ceased and the basement membrane was reformed close to the epithelium.

References used

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