Normalijor of Isolating Soluable Subgroups of Odd Order in the Qroup GL(q, p), Where p, q are prime sumfers

Abstract in English

This study represents the problem of the invariant sub-groups of the maximal solvable invariant sub-groups in a group GL(q,p), with p and q are primes, q|(p-١), and its order is r with r/| (P − 1) , as the studying of its normalizer groups and identification the order of the normalizer for each one in the case r is an odd order, and also with studying the problem of its conjunction in a group GL(q,p).

References used

D. A. Soprnenko, Matrices groups, “Naouka”, MOSCOW1972
B. Huppert. Endliche Gruppen I (book). Berlin – Hedellurg, New York1964
