Effect of Some Physiographic Factors on Distribution and Composition of Current Forest Vegetation in Southwestern End of the Anti- Lebanon Mountains

Abstract in English

The effect of elevation and slope exposure on forest vegetation composition in southwestern end of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains was assessed. Species and community parameters; relative density, coverage, frequency, importance value of encountered woody vegetation, richness and similarity indices; were quantified using thirty two line transects covering two altitudinal zones and the four major slope aspects. Furthermore, species density was measured using distance methods.

References used

أهدلي لؤي. ١٩٧٤ . علم المناخ والأرصاد الجوية. منشورات جامعة دمشق، المطبعة الجديدة، دمشق، سورية.
رحالي محمد. ١٩٨٧ . تدهور تجمعات اللزاب في منطقة عسال الورد. رسالة ماجستير، كلية العلوم جامعة دمشق.
