A Contribution in the Biodiversity Study of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes in Barada Basin

Abstract in English

This study is considered a newly addition and continuous survey to Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes which are importance in Barada basin (Damascus district), it basically aims at knowing fungal biological communities at framework of biodiversity and ecological diversity in Syria. The study extended from ١٩٩٦ to ١٩٩٩ years. Researchers in this study confirm that there are representatives of ١٠ families out of which ١٦ genera has been specified which are distributed to ٢٦ species (٢٤ of them have been specified), and representatives of ١٣ families out of which ١٨ genera has been specified which are distributed to ٢٧ species. The places of spreading of each of them in its medium, most important characteristics, which allow to distinguish it have been referred to, as well as to the main practical importance, which describes it regarding the nutritive value or to do environmental roles.

References used

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بغدادي، وفاء. ١٩٦٧ . فلورا فطريات التربة في محافظتي دمشق والسويداء. مجلة الفطريات وأمراض النبات، الجزء الأول. منشورات العلوم، لينينغراد، (باللغة الروسية)
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