The Egyptian family court between the Shari’ah and the law

Abstract in English

The koran came down to earth in order to reform the human relations and the society. The koranic verses have proved that the organized family is the core and the fundament of the civilization of nations. This study will uncover the texts and the rules mentioned in the koranic verses, which have been subsequently used by the legislator as the base of the law number 10 to create the family courts. The intensive cooperation between the national committees of woman, infancy and maternity and the civil associations, known to care about the Egyptian family, lead to create this law with all the advantages which consider the best interests of people, to facilitate them and to give them the means to demand justice.

References used

WESTERMARCK, E.A. Short history of marriage and the family. Macmillan, London, 1926, 4-5
YOUNG, K.; MACK, R.W. Sociology and social life. 3rd, N.Y American back Company, 1966, 32
BURGESS, E.W.; LOCKE, H.J. The Family. American Book Company. New York,1959, 8
