This paper aimed to study The suitability of (Z-score) index to measure banking financial stability of Syrian Private Traditional Banks, To achieve this purpose, the researcher built a model during the period from Q1-2010 to Q4-2014,using Cross-Sectional series of Banking financial performance variables and analyzing it using Panel Data Analyze. The main results are: The suitability of (Z-Score) index to measure financial stability of Syrian Traditional Private Banks. The financial stability of all Syrian Traditional Private Banks. The significant positive relation between Book to market value(BM), Capital Adequacy (Adec) and financial stability index (Z-Score). The significant negative relation between Quality of loan portfolio (QUAL), Deposit employment (NET/DEP) and financial stability index (Z-Score). The absence of significant relation between(Z-Score) and banking performance ratios: Cover ratio(COV), bank's Liquidity (LIQ), and profitability measured by the ratio of Adjusted Return on Equity (Roe$).