The Role Of Effective Leadership work teams in Promoting Organizational Learning A Field Study in Tishreen University

Abstract in English

The research aims to study the relationship between the role of effective leadership of the work teams on the one hand, and between the promotion of organizational learning in TISHREEN University, on the other hand, where the researcher distributed a questionnaire to a sample of theoretical and applied colleges in TISHREEN University amounted to (240) questionnaire was recovered (230) questionnaire Including. To test the relationship, the researcher using the Student T test for one sample, as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient. The research by the study that there is a rise in the level of effective leadership in colleges under study, as well as a rise in the level of each of single and dual-loop learning in colleges under study. The research concluded that there were significant relationship between effective leadership of the work teams, and organizational learning at TISHREEN University, and thus the existence of the role of effective leadership of the work teams in promoting organizational learning in theoretical and applied colleges in TISHREEN University. The research found a set of recommendations and proposals that will contribute positively to the role of effective leadership of the work teams in promoting organizational learning.

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