The Inheritance in Fayez Khadour's Poetry

Abstract in English

This paper, which is entitled "The Inheritance in Fayez Khadour's Poetry" aims at studying and analyzing the methods of inspiring the different types of inherited elements in the poetic text, with the purpose of uncovering two things: first, the visions they contain, which entails laying the importance on the (text language), meaning the style used in forming the text language, based on the fact that poetry is an aesthetic, cognitive and linguistic structure and any deviation in any of these characteristics results in a deviation in poetry from its true concept; second: the new space that the poet presented in this aspect of his poetic experience and the amount of distinction and difference which he achieved from his fellow poets of poetry of modernity. I have discussed the methods of using the inheritance in Khadour's poetry in two fields: the folkloric and literary inheritance, and the religious and mythic inheritance. I purposely joined together one aspect of these fields in one context because of the proximity of their references on the one hand, and in orderto avoid the wordiness which is not applicable within the limits of this paper on the other hand.

References used

البرقوقي، عبد الرحمن: شرح ديوان المتنبي، دار الكتاب العربي، بيروت، ط 1, 1986
العبيدي، محمد بن عبد الرحمن: التذكرة السعدية في الأشعار العربية، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت، ط 1, 1986.
