The theory of context and its shadows according to Arab linguistics and rhetoric scientists (Aljahes as an example)

Abstract in English

This research is making a simple effort only in order to be added to a set of previous efforts and it may come after it attempting to gather to make an approach between these studies through the use and the help of linguistic scholar of early Arab. Scholars and scientists namely (Aljahes) T. (255 AH), and a linguistic theory which the talk about it has grown a lot since the beginning the century twenty namely the theory of context.

References used

البخلاء ، الجَاحِظ، حقق نصه وعلق عليه: د طه الحاجزيّ ، دار المعارف، ط:5
البيان والتبيين، أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحر الجَاحِظ ، تحقيق وشرح عبد السلام هارون، دار الجيل، بيروت.
