The Effectiveness of Four Concentrations of Zinc- Phosphide in Controlling Social Voles Microtus socialis (Cricetidae - Rodentia) in Southern West of Syria

Abstract in English

A field experiment was conducted at the Southern West of Syria during ١٩٩٦, to evaluate the best concentration of Zinc phosphide as a quick rodenticde against social voles ( Microtus socialis ) in woods. The four concentrations of Zinc phosphide were ١،٢،٣ and ٤ %. The baits prepared from grains which soaked for ٦ hours in water, and dried for ١٨ hours, ١٪ of vegetable oil was added as attractive. ٣-٤ grams of the bait was put inside the opening of each active borrow.

References used

Abd EL-Gawad, K.H; A.M. Ali; M. G. Mourai, and M.A. Ali. ١٩٨٧. An Improved Preparation of Zinc Phosphide as Rodent Control Bite under Field Conditions. Minia.J. Agric.Res.& Dev.Vol. ٩, No .٢, ٨٣٥ - ٨٥٠
Atallah, S. I. ١٩٧٧. Mammals of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, their Ecology, Systematics and Zoogeographical relationships - Saugetierkdl. Mitt., ٢٥ (٤) : ٢٤١ - ٣٢٠ ; Munchen
Chengxin, W and D. Zhi .١٩٨٢. Rodent Control in China . pages ٥٢١-٥٣١ In: Proceeding of a Conference on: The Organization and Practice of Vertebrate Pest Control. (Dubock, A.C.,ED.) ٣٠ August - ٣ September ١٩٨٢- Elvetham Hall, Hampshire, England
