Role of Owls in Biological Control of Rodents in Syria

Abstract in English

This study was carried out to determine the biodiversity of rodents and their distribution in Syrian Arab Republic, and to evaluate the role of owls as natural enemies against rodents. The investigation of owl pellets indicated that small mammals in general and especially rodents are the main food of owls. This investigation was able to identify ١٤ species, representing five families of rodents inside the pellets collected from different locations in Syria. these are: Microtus socialis.; Mesocricetus auratus; Cricetulus migratorius; Tatera indica; Mus musculus; Rattus norvegicus; Rattus rattus; Nesokia indica; Meriones tristrami; Meriones libycus; Meriones crassus; Allactaga euphratica; Jaculus jaculus and Spalax leucodon.

References used

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