The reality of using education techniques in teaching mathematics from the teachers point of view

Abstract in English

The research aims to reveal the reality of using education techniques in teaching mathematics from the teachers' point of view. The research sample consisted of (67)mathematics teachers for the basic education stage (second phase) in Homs city, classified according to their scientific qualifications into (28 associate degrees, 20 Bachelor degrees and19 Master degrees). They were selected randomly from the research community. To achieve the research's target, the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisted of (63) articles divided into three directions, whose creditability and steadiness have been confirmed.

References used

Elgar, Emma s (2005): An examination of the uses of technology in secondary school mathematics instruction. Proquest document lD: 885693371
Miles, rhea (2002): Teacher professional development needs in mathematics, and technology in eastern north Carolina. Eric docuoment. ERIC NO: ED 473247
Kennedy, Robert L& Mccallister, Corliss J. (2000): Basic Statistics via the internet. 14P, Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid South Educational Research Association, 28th, Bowling Green, KY, November, 2000
