African Women in Hurston's Play Color Struck

Abstract in English

The present study portrays the image of the black woman, in Zora Hurston' Color Struck, who is still subject to prejudice and violation of all human rights, and shows how this woman is doubly oppressed by the fact of colorism and the male-dominated society. In addition, the purpose of this study is to tackle many perspectives of racism, inferiority, and problems of identity. It also shows the obsession of the African women with the concept of beauty and her resentment of her own black color.

References used

Broonzy, Big Bill. Get Back ( Black, Brown, and White). Florida: Midwest Blues, 2010
Hurston, Zora. Color Struck. New York: Fire Magazine, 1926
Fears, L. M. "Colorism of Black Women in News Editorial Photos." The Western Journal of Black Studies22.1 (1998):30- 36
