Accedence to Throne in the Thought of the Sultans of Maritime Mamluki State (648-784H/1250-1382AD)

Abstract in English

One of the gravest problems that the political system in the Mamluki period experienced was the that related to power where there was not a well-set principle for being in power. For example, power and reign were a thorny fluctuating subject which gets finally settled in behalf of the most powerful Mamluki person. The case concerning the accidence to (inheriting) the throne in the Mamluki age was a temporary issue - despite the fact that it was often in the hands of the Qlawoon Family – that brings to the throne a powerful sultan who lays his hands on the throne and becomes the declared sultan. This, consequently, used to lead to an overheated struggle between Mamluki princes.

References used

قاسم، عبده قاسم: (عصر سلاطين المماليك - التاريخ السياسي و الاجتماعي) عين للدراسات و البحوث، القاهرة, ط1, 1998م, ص11.
حمزة: عادل عبد الحافظ (نيابة حلب في عصر سلاطين المماليك ) الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتب 2000م, ج1, ص91.
الزيدي، مفيد: (العصر المملوكي) دار أسامة، عمان، 2003 م، ص 26
