Calibration Of some Mathematical Models To Estimate Tree Height Of Pinus brutia Ten. In Site Of Kfardabeel Stand- Jableh

Abstract in English

This study aimed to estimate the height of the Pinus brutia trees in Kafardabeel forested area- Jableh. Eight mathematical forms (Michailoff, Prodan, Petterson, Parabel, Korsun, Logarithmic, Freese, Chapman-Richards) were used. In 2015, the diameter of 330 trees at breast height (dbh) were measured, and only heights of 165 of them were taken. Measurements were carried out in 15 sample plots all over the study area to cover site variations in altitude, exhibition, gradient and density. Data were split into two parts: 116 tree (70%) were used for model constrction, while the remaining trees 49 tree (30%) were used for model validation. The Results showed that, Parabel had the highest value for the Coefficient of Determination (R²=0.53) and the lowest value of the relative accuracy (mx%) (17.665%). That means it was the the best model to calculate tree height using diameter at breast height. This model can help foresters in forest management planning for study area and similar sites.

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