Towards an Effective and Integrated Design of Information Systems

Abstract in English

The development of Information Systems (I.S) is of great importance for researchers and industrial users. Different methods for (I.S) design have been proposed until now. Some of them put emphasis on the statical aspect, and others on the dynamical aspect. A third category of methods has recently appeared, which try to take into account both aspects, and therefore provide unified view of data and treatments. Also there exist approaches that put the stress on rigour in the specification and validation process. This paper presents a tool (CASE) which constitute a conceptual help to Information Systems design: that tries, on one hand, to handle the statical and dynamical, aspects while providing at the same time, the user with products that are readable and easy to understand and on the other hand, to validate the specification obtained in a rigorous way. In fact, it is an attempt to satisfy both the designer and the user.

References used

ABDI M.K ~RAHMOUN١ M.K “A Practical Example of Management Information System using the METOO Method and Language of Specification” in Proceedings of “First Al-Shaam International Conference on Information Technology” Damascus (Syria) May ٩-١٣, ١٩٩٤
ABDI M.K, RAHMOUNI M.K, KOUNINEF B; “A Help Tool for Information Systems Design- A Contribution to the Dynamicity” in actes of CARl ٩٤” (as a poster), Ouagadougou (Burkina Fasso) ١٢- ١٨ Octobre, ١٩٩٤
KOUNINEF B ,ABDI M.K, RAHMOUNI M.K; “Information Systems Design: A contribution to the Dynamicity” in Proceedings of “International Conference Engineering and Production Management” IEPM’٩٥ Marrakech, April ٤ - ٧, ١٩٩٥
