A Study On Improving The Bleaching Performance Of The Local Detergents With Low Contents Of Soduim Perborates

Abstract in English

The Syrian detergent companies used to add high percentage of perborate salt in laundry detergents formulation to achieve best bleaching and cleaning results. And usually the bleach activator which transforms the peroxides into more effective materials, was added to the formulation in non specified doses. The studies have been made of the effect of the bleach activator -TAED on the perborates salt show the possibility to reduce the amount of the used perborates by controlling the - Perborates / TAED percentage in the detergent formulation . The released active oxygen depends on the ambiant temperature where weak activity where detected when temperature exceeds ٦٠ celsius. This study shows the role of the detergent formulation on the bleach activator where it releases the active oxygen in a higher percentage when monohydrate sodium perborate is used, and no effects were detected on the tensile strength of the used fabric.

References used

A.S.Davidson ,B.Milwidsky ;Synthetic Detergents. ١٩٨٧. ٧ th. ed. ,longman , New York
M.S. Showell. ١٩٩٨. Powdered Detergent,Volume ٧١, PP. ١-١٩ Surfactant Science Series
D.M.Coons. ١٩٧٨. J.Am. Oil Chemists, Soc Jan. vol.٥٥, ١٠٤-١٠٨
