The level of heavy metals in vegetable crops collected along the irregation water source of Barada – AL- Ghouta

Abstract in English

Heavy metals determination was carried out in ٢٤ of vegetable crops, belong to three groups, i.e.: Leaf, Fruit and Tuber vegetable crops. Lead, Chromium, Cadmium and Mercury, were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy provided with Graphite furnace. Vegetable samples were collected from six sites along the irrigation water source for Barada and Ghouta for two seasons, ٩٥-٩٦ and ٩٦-٩٧, to evaluate the effect of water source (surface polluted water and ground water) on the heavy metals content of vegetables.

References used

Al-Rifai, M, N., ١٩٨٨. Irrigation of Damascus plain (the Ghouta) with polluted water from the Barada. In treatment and use of sewage effluent for irrigation, FAO Publication, p. ٢١-٢٨
Bolger, P.M., Yess, N.J., Gunderson, E.L., Troxell, T.C., and Carrington, C.D., ١٩٩٦. Identification and reduction of sources dietary Lead in the United States. Food Additives and Contaminants. ١٣, p. ٥٣-٦٠
FAO /WHO, ١٩٩٨ a. Discussion paper on Cadmium. Agenda Item ١٥(d). CX/FAC ٩٩/٢١, December ١٩٩٨
