Biology and Behavior of Some Bird Species in Damascus and Its Suburbs

Abstract in English

Four species of native birds, two migrants and one species could not be encountered were used to study their biology and behavior in Damascus and its suburbs, despite continuous monitoring for six years. This research with its detailed biological and behavioral results is considered to be a contribution to studying biodiversity of Syrian birds. This leads eventually not only to protect and save endangered creatures , but creates suitable conditions for their reproduction and consequently increasing their numbers .

References used

الديسي ، أ.م. و ع. بوران. ١٩٩٠ . طيور الأردن البرية. عمان، الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة في الأردن
اللوس، ب. ١٩٦١ . الطيور العراقية. الجزء الثاني، بغداد، مطبعة الرابطة.
زكريا، أ.و. ١٩٨٣ . حيوانات وطيور بلاد الشام، منشورات الجمعية الجغرافية الفلسطينية، دمشق .
