Effect of Chickpea Plant Density on Podborers in Southern Syria

Abstract in English

Experiments were conducted to study the effect of four chickpea plant densities (٢٠, ٢٥،٣٣,٣ and ٥٠ plants/m٢) during ١٩٨٩, ١٩٩٠ and ١٩٩١ seasons on podborers in southern Syria in three chichpea cultivares (Ghab l, Ghab ٢ and local).

References used

Al-Soud, A.H., S. Weigand, and O. Tahhan. ١٩٩٠. incidence of chickpea prodborers in syria during ١٩٩٨–١٩٨٩ season
Chhabra,K.S, and B.S. Kooner. ١٩٧٧. Research on rabi pulses. Annual progress report ١٩٧٦-٧٧ rabi pulses research workshop, parbhani, ٢١-٢٤ September ١٩٧٧, Indian Res. Institute, New Delhi
ICRISAT. (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi- Arid Tropics). ١٩٨٢. Annual Report,١٩٨١-١٩٨٢. ICRISAT Patancheru, ٥٠٢-٣٢٤, A.p India
