The Hydatid-Cyst and Cysticercus tenuicollis in Sheep and Goat in Syria

Abstract in English

In this study, ٢٦٥٠ slaughtered Awassi sheep and ٩٠٠ goats had been searched for the presence of Hydatid-Cyst and Cysticercus tenuicollis. As a result of this investigation, ٩,٦٩٪ of sheep and ٢٢٪ of goats were found to be infested with the Hydatid-Cyst, whereas ٢٤٪ of sheep and ٣٦٪ of goats were found to be infested with the Cysticercus tenuicollis. The infestation ratio was found to be higher in pasture animals older than one year. The Hydatid-Cyst was found either in the Liver or in the lung and the Extensity of infestation was more frequent in the liver than in the lung. All kinds of Hydatid-Cyst such as the fertilized, sterilized, classified, or caseinied were found in this investigation.

References used

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