The Whey Utilization for The Production of Some Important Economic Compounds

Abstract in English

Dairies and cheeses factories produce terrific quantities of whey in which about 90% of them pelts into the sewerage system without making any useful of them. Due to the valuable ingredients in whey (cheese, milk and butter). The content can be separated and extracted in order to be added as a nutrient environment in food industry. The resultant compounds (citric acid , penicillin, amino acids and ergosterol) were identified using HPLC technique.

References used

Jakubke H.D., Jeschkeit H., 1977, An introduction- Amino Acids, Peptied & Protiens, English edition. Akademie-Verlay, Berlin
Kruger N.J., 1994, The Bradford Method for Protein Quantitation, Methods in Molecular Biology, V.32, oxford, P. 9_10
Mantu k. Ghosh, (1992), HPLC Methods on drug Analysis, Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg- Germany, P. 30-33,345
