Study of some bio-information related to a laboratory rearing of codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Tortricidae, Lepid.)

Abstract in English

A simple method for laboratory rearing of codling moth on artificial diet is explained and tested. The present study revealed important aspects of the insect rearing. Rearing quality raised up to ٩٥٪ under high sanitary rearing conditions. Optimal number of larvae in each container (enough amount of diet per larva) and suitable uncrowded moths in rearing cage were determined to give the best fertility.

References used

Ashby, M.D., P. Singh and G.K. Clare. ١٩٨٥. Cydia pomonella. pp. ٢٣٧-٢٤٨. In: Singh, P. and R.F. Moore. (Eds.). Handbook of Insect Rearing. Elsevier, Amsterdam, vol. II. ٥١٥ pp
Bathon, H. ١٩٨١. [Rearing of the codling moth, Laspeyrsia pomonella (L.)(Lep., Tortricidae), on an artificial diet.] Zur Zucht des Apfelwicklers, Laspeyrsia pomonella (L.) (Lep., Tortricidae), auf einem künstlichen Nährmedium. Mitt. D. Ges. Allg. Angew. Entomol., ٢:١٣٦-١٤٠
