Stability of Chloroform Extract which were enidicat the Effectif Mater in Root of Ferula hermonis Plant

Abstract in English

In this research two methods for preserving the chloroform extract in the roots of the Ferula hermonis were studied. The first one is summarized in putting the roots in refrigerators, and the second one is the freez drying of the roots. The results of the experiment have shown that the percentage of waste of the chloroform extract increased considerably in the first method with the increase of the time of preservation, whereas in the case of freeze drying method, the percentage of the waste of the chloroform extract was relatively low compared to the first method. We think that this method (freeze drying) is practical for the preservation of the chloroform extract, which expresses the active material in the ferula hermonis roots, and can be considered as cost – effective as far as the exploitation of these roots is concerned.

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