Semiperfect ring which is Extending for simple modules

Abstract in English

Any right R-module M is called a CS-module if every submodule of M is essential in a direct summand of M. A ring is said to be CS-ring if R as a right R-module is CS [9]. In this paper we study semiperfect ring in which each simple right R-module is essential in a direct summand of R. We call such ring as a extending for simple R-module. Here we find that for such rings, every simple R-module is weakly-injective if and only if R is weakly-injective if and only if R is self-injective if and only if R is weakly-semisimple. Examples are constructed for which simple R-module is essential in a direct summand.

References used

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(C.FAITH, “Alegebra :Rings, modules and categories I,”Springer-Verlag, New York / Heidelberg! Berlin, (1973
B.L. OSOFSKY, A Generalization of Quasi-Frobemous Ring, Journal fo Algebra 4 (1966), 373-387
