Evaluation of oil potentials in the Derro Oil field (NE SYRIA) Through integrated interpretation of geophysical data

Abstract in English

The geophysical surveys on the Syrian oil fields had begun since (1933);it continued by the soviet groups (1952-1962) and were completed by the Syrian national groups. The Derro oil field had a good lot from these studies, because it was surveyed and studied by the all known geophysical methods (gravity, geoelectrics, siesmics, well logging). This was possiple due to the fact that oil bearing formation in the above mentioned field lays in very shallow depths, in comparison with the known oil fields, the geoelectrical method was applied with good results and extreme low cost.

References used

دراسة بتروفيزيائية لحقل الذرو،الشركة السورية للنفط مديرية الاستكشاف 1984 (دراسة غير منشورة).
التقارير النهائية للآبار المحفورة في حقل الذرو، الشركة السورية للنفط، مديرية الاستكشاف (تقارير غير منشورة).
شقير، فارس سلوم، دراسة جيوكهربائية لحقل الذرو، الشركة السورية للنفط 1988 (دراسة غير منشورة).
