The Organizational climate in the kindergarten and its relationship to the level of creative behavior among teachers working in Damascus province

Abstract in English

The research aims to identify the Organizational climate in kindergarten institutions, according to the estimate research sample of employed individuals in the kindergarten level. And the level of creative behavior of kindergarten teachers according to the estimate research sample of employed individuals in the kindergarten. And examine the relationship between organizational climate and the level of creative behavior of kindergarten teachers. Also known significance of differences in the answers to the research sample to identify the Organizational climate and to identify creative individuals behavior according to the variables of research: (qualification, years of experience).

References used

GOUGH, D, 2008- School Climate: Urban Parent’s View. Educational Leadership, Sep, 89-90
National School Boards Association, 2008- What Parents Think About School Climate. American School Board Journal, July, 6-7
PETER, K, 2000- Organizational Climate and Corporate Performance: an Empirical Investigation.
