Chilling Requirements of Pistachio. Determination of Chill Hours Required for Pistachio Variety Peters
published by Damascus University
in 2002
and research's language is
Abstract in English
The research trial was carried out at University of California, Davis,
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension–Kearney
Agricultural Center (KAC).
Part of the scientific work in the laboratory started from November 1, 2001
throughout the end of February 2002. This trial was conducted using Pistacia
vera; the female variety ‘Kerman’ and its pollinator, variety ‘Peters’;… both
are grafted on the rootstock UCB1.
References used
Atli, S., N. Kaska and S. Eti, (1995). Selection of male Pistacia spp. types growing in Gaziantep. First International Symposium on Pistachio nut. September, 20-24, 1994, Adana, Turkey. Acta Horticulture, 419: 319-322
Bracy, R., (1999). What are chilling hours? Fruit Tree Growing Guide
Byrne, D.H. and T.A. Bacon, (1992). Chilling Accumulation: its Importance and Estimation. The Texas Horticulturist 18 (8) pp. 8-9