The effect of Some factors (pH, contact time, the concentration of the initial solution) in the adsorption and kinetics of chrome

Abstract in English

Carried out the experiment in the laboratory through the experience of the patch where they were both studying the effect of pH (5.5-7- 8.5), and the time of contact between the solution and the soil (05.01.10 / d) and the concentration of the solution of the metal chromium (13.4-22.84-47.57 mg / l) in the adsorption kinetics and chrome. The results of the patch test showed that the amount of chromium adsorbed from the aqueous solution increases with time, and be this quantity greater in the first minute, and in all degrees of the pH of the solution Whatever the chromium concentration in the initial solution, as well as the degree of adsorption or removal ratio, and chrome amount adsorbed from The solution is greater when the pH of the solution is 8.5, and that whatever the initial concentration of the solution, as well as the degree of adsorption or removal ratio.

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