The Concept of God in the Ugarit (In light of the written texts)

Abstract in English

We seek in this research 3 to provide an idea of the vision Alouajjaratin and destination spiritual view of the universe and its manifestations, and how the drafters of the perception of the idea of creation, man and God, maybe we can through touch the concept of divinity and holiness contained in the religious Aloojarretah texts, provide an idea about this problem, and the vulnerability of the way religiosity Aloojarretah peers in the eastern Pacific the religious year as influencing and influenced by the intellectual and spiritual was characteristic of ancient Eastern .societies since the fourth millennium BC

References used

Aistleiner.J, 1902- Wörterbuch der Ugaritischen Sprache. Akadmie Verlag, Berlin, 362p
Del Olmo.G, 2004- ADictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Tradition. Boston, 1006p
Dietrich.M, 1976- Die KeiIaIphabetishen Texte aus Ugarit. Germany, 680p
