Study of the Microbiol Quality of some Local Tradional Ice Cream

Abstract in English

100 samples of some tradional ice cream sold in Damascus to customers have been analyzed for coliform, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella during the last three year. The study showed that the rate of rejection for Syrian normal standard was 85.71 % for coliform, 9.89 % for Staph. aureus and 0 % for Salmonella . In addition to identification of E.coli often found in ice cream there were Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella planticola or Klebsiella oxytoca and to less degree Citrobacter freundii .

References used

Anderson, M.R.P. (1992). Microbiologia alimentaria “ed.Diaz de santos, S. A. Madrid, Spain
Beerens, H. and Luquet, F.M. (1990). “Guia practica para el analisis microbiologica de la leche y los productos lacteos“ Ed. Acribia ,.A.Zaragoza. Spain
Buchanan, R. E. and Gibbons, N. E. (1974). ”Bergey’s Manual of determinative bacteriology “ 8th Edn. Williams and Wilkins Baltimore
