Prevalence of the Indoparasites in Buffalo

Abstract in English

Two hundred and twenty eight faeces samples were collected from rectum of buffalo belong to Hama district , research center of buffalo development and three other areas in Alghab, samples collecting were carried out between February and the end of June /2002 . The examined animals were between two weeks and seven years old. The study showed, that buffalo were affected with endoparsites, which reached the ratio of 67.98%. This rate was different in field animals comparing with animals in the reserch center. It was high in the former, and low in the later. The microscopic examination of faeces samples from buffalo groups of defferent ages reveald different precentage rates of parasitic infestation. The highest rate of infection was recorded for protozoa 66.96% and Nematoda 62.50%, by buffalo up to one year old. While the highest rate for the infestation of cestoda 46.26% and Trematoda 56.71% was recognized in young buffalo . The results showed that buffalo were affected with the same types of parasites, which affect cattle . The animals were infected with one type or with many types 41%.

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