Surgical Repair of Ebstein’s Anomaly

Abstract in English

Ebstein’s anomaly represents 1 % of congenital heart disease, where the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve take origin at a level lower than the atrio-ventricular junction. This deformity entails many consequences such as tricuspid insufficiency, paradoxical contraction of the atrialised portion of the ventricle, hemodynamic disturbances, arrhythmias, and right ventricular failure. During the period between 1/6/1992 to 31/12/1997 we had performed 16 repair operations to Ebstein’s anomaly. WE performed plication of the atrialised ventricular portion either transversely which was performed in 13 cases, or longitudinally in 3 cases due to extensive deformity of the tricuspid valve. We used also Carpentier ring for annuloplasty of the tricuspid valve. These papers discuss the early and late results of this technique where the physiological function of the patients improved generally from NYHA III – IV to NYHA I – II, The contractile function of the right ventricle improved as well as arrhythmias, while no death occurred between treated patients.

References used

Bernard CN, Sherire V, Surgical correction of Ebstein’s anomaly with prosthetic tricuspid valve. Surgery 54 – 302 –308, 1963
Brost H. G., K;inner w., Senning a., Herz & Herznahe Gefaesse, Edited by springer Verlag, Berlin 1978, PP 213 – 216
Danielson G.K>, Maloney J.D., Devloo REA, Surgical repair of Ebstein’s anomaly, Mayo Clinic Proc. 54: 185 – 192, 1979
